Community Newsletter: Fall 2024 Edition
As we transition into the cooler months of Fall, we hope everyone has had the chance to enjoy the last days of summer and is ready for the beauty of autumn in Pittsburgh. In this edition, you’ll find important community updates, including holiday office closures, local autumn activities, and tips to keep your home safe and energy-efficient as temperatures begin to drop.
Community Updates
Office Closures
Columbus Day - 10/14/2024
Thanksgiving Day - 11/28/2024
Day after Thanksgiving Day -11/29/2024
Compliance Corner FAQs:
We will mail your Annual Recertification packet 120 days prior to your annual recert.
4 to 6 paystubs, unemployment printout, self- employment income, current social security letter, current SSI income, my compass/DPA printout, pension funds, alimony/child support payments, education status, etc.
You can submit the following: Bank Institution/checking and savings accounts, money market funds, trust funds, certificates of deposits, stocks and bonds, IRA’s, Keogh or other retirement and investment accounts, direct express card receipts, etc
It is optional, but you can submit the most current copy of your tax returns.
Manager’s Notes
Door Decorating
We love festive decorations, but we also need to be good neighbors.
Please keep all decorations attached to your apartment door only. No other decorations are allowed in the hallways.
Local Area Guide
Autumn Activities
South Park Hay Day @ Hartwood Acres
(9/21) & South Park (9/28)
HOU Movie Night! Oct 28th 5-7pm
@475 Garner Ct. Lawn
HOU Senior Jazz Connection
(Details TBA) Call HOU for information (412)-621-0438)
Halloween Activities
Phantom Fall Fest @ Kennywood
(9/20th - 10/27)
Jack O Lantern Extravaganza @ PGH
Zoo (10/3 - 11/3)
HOU Trunk Or Treat @ Wadsworth
Hall (10/30 5-7 PM)
Any volunteers interested please call
HOU to sign up (412)-621-0438
Maintenance Notes 🔧
IMPORTANT: If you have a work order emergency such as fire, flood, no power, no heat, water leak or no water. Please call our 24/7 Maintenance line at 866-777-4587.
NO TRASH OR BELONGINGS ALLOWED IN HALLWAYS & STAIRWAYS: All hallways, vestibules and stairways in common areas of the building must be kept free of obstructions. Trash, shoes, mats, bikes, etc., must be kept inside your apartment.
Housing Opportunities Unlimited (HOU) Events
All outdoor events are weather permitting. Contact HOU Staff at 412-621-0438 or visit them at 480 OAK HILL DR.
Explore Our Neighborhood
Welcome to the neighborhood! We invite you to explore all of the wonderful things Pittsburgh, PA has to offer. Whether you're a resident or a visitor, there's something special waiting to be discovered. Click here to learn more.
We Are Pet Friendly!
Prior to bringing a pet into the unit, please make sure your pet is registered with us. Pet rent and breed restrictions apply. Register your Pet now by clicking here.
Oak Hill Apartments FAQs
A: When calling the Management Office at 412-682-5288, the voice menu gives options for different kinds of requests and questions. Our menu options did shift recently, so be sure to listen carefully. If you are unable to reach the person you are looking to speak with, please leave a message and allow time for staff to return your call.
A: If guests are visiting you, a guest pass is needed. You can visit the Management Office (280 Burrows St.) during business hours or call OHPS to obtain a pass. OHPS will have you pick up the pass from their office at 475 Garner Ct.
A: The easiest and most efficient ways to submit maintenance requests are: Submit directly on your resident portal (online) or calling 412-682-5288 (option 1). If you’re looking for updates on a current service request, option 2 at that number may be very helpful.
Monday & Wednesday 9a-1p & 2p-5p
Tuesday & Thursday: 9a-1p & 2p-6p
Friday: 9a-1p & 2p-3p
You can call into our office to request a meeting (412-682-5288) or come into the office and fill out a meeting request form, a member of our team will call you to schedule a meeting as soon as possible!
When having a guest visit, please come into the office with your guest, please bring the guest vehicle registration, and driver’s license. Those with guest passes are not permitted to park in the resident lots.
Do You Have a Resident Portal Account?
Did you know that you can receive community updates, submit non-emergency maintenance requests and pay your rent online?