It is easy being green at Oak Hill

Residential convenience is our top priority at Oak Hill, making it easy for our guests to take care of themselves and their environments. Go Green with Oak Hill’s energy-efficient Energy Star appliances, heating, cooling and hot water systems. Large windows allow ample natural light, and we provide single stream recycling containers for your convenience.


Going Green

  • Oak Hill’s close promimity to public transportation reduced your carbon footprint

  • Energy-efficent centralized heating, cooling and hot water systems

  • Apartment homes include large windows that allow for an abundance of natural ligh and low VOC paint, Energy Star appliances, led lights, low flow plumbing fixtures

  • Digital resident communication to reduce paper waste

  • Single stream recycling containers proided for paper, glass, and metal

  • Conservation tips provided for residents to reduce water and energy consumption

  • Use manufactured products with recycled materials such as trash bags, paper towels and copier paper

  • Use of green cleaning products approved by Green Seal or US EPA Design for the environment